Home mover mortgages
Moving home and need a new mortgage?
Upsizing or downsizing?
Are you selling your home and upsizing? Maybe the kids have flown the nest and the family home is too big. Is it time to downsize? Perhaps you need to move for work, family, or career purposes?
As a home mover it is vital you have finance approval in place ready to go before you start house hunting, so that you know how much you can borrow and what your budget is.
MyMortgageDeal.co.uk will obtain mortgage approval as fast as you need it to be. Most importantly we search the market of lenders to ensure you are obtaining the best possible deal.
Charges and fees
As with all other financial professionals such as accountants or solicitors, we charge a fee for our professional advice and service.
We understand everyones circumstances are different and our fee will be dependent on a clients requirements. Ultimately, we aim to get you the best deal possible. For UK based clients a typical fee is (£495) and for international clients we charge up to 1% of loan amount subject to minimum (£995).
Call us
You can call us 7 days a week
for mortgage advice and information
0044 (0) 7456 727 626